Why Plant Churches

The Narrative   We must start this journey with the words of Jesus. “All authority has been given to me in heaven and on earth, go therefore and make disciples of all nations baptising them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe...


Many Christians find themselves living in the gap between standing for truth and demonstrating grace, but the result can often be self-righteousness disguised as truth or indifferent tolerance disguised as grace. So, what is the bridge that enables us to travel from...

Living in the days of terror

The Guardian newspaper’s headline this week of “Young lives stolen by terror” gives us a stark reminder that the days we live in are truly dark ones. However, we cannot judge these days as being unusual. I grew up (as many did) with the constant threat of what was...

Church Planting part 1

As I have previously mentioned, a few years ago I wrote a lengthy paper on church planting. Over the next few weeks I am going to publish extracts from that paper here. I hope you find them helpful. Part 1 In an age of helpful tips on doing anything from paper folding...

What always precedes How

Some years ago, whilst happily living in Swindon and quite content to serve Swindon Family Church (now known as Gateway Church Swindon) for the foreseeable future, I took a short sabbatical for the purpose of writing what became a lengthy 110 page paper entitled...

Poem – Good Friday

What’s so good about today? My Lord’s been captured and our friends ran away. They’ve taken him off to the High Priest’s court Many false witnesses and accusations they’ve brought. It’s not looking good he’s passed all around...