Great volunteers
As we embrace all that is planned for this coming year it is important to remember important core values for volunteering.
WORSHIP God. – We must always keep in mind that all that we do, is to be done unto God. Our service must first be apart of our worship, before getting the job done. The job will be done when our attitude toward the task is worship.
LOVE for people. – The measure of a great church is not its size, its facilities, its talent, or its programs. It is all about love. That is what Jesus said (John 13:35) and that is what the apostle Paul looked for in the churches he oversaw (2 Thessalonians 2:3. 1 Corinthians 13). How the people in a community treat each other, as well as the visitor and the outsider is very important.
OPENNESS to change. – Churches must preserve the core of our Christian faith and message, but be willing stimulate progress to advance the cause of Christ in the world. Many churches resist change. City Church must be a church that welcomes change and is ready to step out and take a risk for God. This is the pioneer spirit, that was very much imparted when the church was first planted.
VOLUNTEER heart and spirit. – Psalm 110:3 says that God’s people will be willing on the day of his power, giving themselves freely. Volunteers give of their time, energy, and talents for the benefit of others. They serve with joy, faithfulness, and commitment. They have a team spirit – shunning competitiveness, ladder climbing, celebrity status seeking, or a hierarchical leadership attitude. Though having different gifts, all our volunteers are of equal value, united around a common purpose.
EXCELLENCE. – Our volunteers must be committed to doing everything they do to the best of their ability – in order to bring glory to God and to reach people. We need to constantly improve and look for better ways to do ministry for the Glory of God.