Carrying spices at the dawn of the day, Eyes full of tears, dragging their feet on the way. Slowly they ambled towards the grave, Forgotten the hope the last three years gave. They called him Messiah, thought he was the one, But the Jews and Gentiles together had won....
What’s so good about today? My Lord’s been captured and our friends ran away. They’ve taken him off to the High Priest’s court Many false witnesses and accusations they’ve brought. It’s not looking good he’s passed all around...
It’s very busy, it’s an important day, All preparations are well underway. The life of a servant is lowly and poor, Here comes tonight’s guests pushing in through the door. I gather their cloaks and get ready to work But something catches my eye, my...
Over this coming weekend, Christians all around the world will celebrate the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ but, for many, this is quite a confusing time. How does celebrating the death of a good man, from more than 2,000 years ago, have any relevance...
“Go fetch a donkey” was their simple command, But the donkey’s owner was a little alarmed. “The Master, He needs it” the disciples assured, “He’ll sit on its back as the people applaud. He’ll enter the City, like a...
As a family we recently went to Slimbridge Wetlands Centre with a few of our friends. As well as enjoying the beautiful sunshine, the friendly conversations and the amazing variety of the wildlife, there were signs of Spring everywhere. Green shoots on the trees,...
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