“Go fetch a donkey” was their simple command,
But the donkey’s owner was a little alarmed.
“The Master, He needs it” the disciples assured,
“He’ll sit on its back as the people applaud.
He’ll enter the City, like a conquering King,
While the children of Israel all dance and sing.”
So He sat on the colt, which had never been ridden,
His true identity for years had been hidden.
Not now though, today, as He rode into town,
The veil of uncertainty was truly pulled down.
Like the branches from the trees, which were then waved a high,
“Messiah! Our Saviour!” came the victory cry.
They took off their cloaks and laid them all down,
A patchwork carpet they formed on the ground.
With grace and repose the donkey walked on,
Unfazed by the noise and crescendoing throng.
In contrast the Leaders all stood there and moaned
But praise would not falter, even from stones.
On now He rode, knowing this wouldn’t last,
By Friday this praise would be a memory past,
In just a few days they’ll shout “crucify”
And a few hours more He’d be lifted up high.
A suffering Saviour for you and for me
Jesus rode humbly on a little donkey.