We live in a world increasingly characterised by individualism, loneliness, isolation, and consumerism. Many people in society today lack true relational connection. In the midst of busy lives, overcommitted schedules, and congested cities, many people still feel alone. We are often surrounded by people but often we don’t really know them and they don’t know us. We live in a culture that craves relationship
We can easily live our lives around many people but possibly not experience life deeply with anyone. No wonder so many people feel alone and isolated, experiencing a kind of ‘crowded loneliness’. Our sense of community is under siege.
This is not good. We were never meant to live in a state of isolation. We were created to be relational beings. As author John Ortberg says, ‘I have never known anyone … who was isolated, lonely, unconnected, had no deep relationships yet had a meaningful and joy-filled life.’
We were designed to be connected to other people in meaningful relationships. Doing life alone is ‘not good’.
Be counter-cultural! Invest generously in your family and friendships. Develop quality relationships characterised by kindness, sensitivity, warmth, closeness, openness, transparency, encouragement, forgiveness, and support.
Community … think about it.