Some years ago, whilst happily living in Swindon and quite content to serve Swindon Family Church (now known as Gateway Church Swindon) for the foreseeable future, I took a short sabbatical for the purpose of writing what became a lengthy 110 page paper entitled...
I am sure that many people have gone through that tough period of time when it seems impossible to move ahead with your vision. Weeks can turn to months and months to years when circumstances don’t permit you to be proactive. It can at times be discouraging to...
Carrying spices at the dawn of the day, Eyes full of tears, dragging their feet on the way. Slowly they ambled towards the grave, Forgotten the hope the last three years gave. They called him Messiah, thought he was the one, But the Jews and Gentiles together had won....
What’s so good about today? My Lord’s been captured and our friends ran away. They’ve taken him off to the High Priest’s court Many false witnesses and accusations they’ve brought. It’s not looking good he’s passed all around...
Over this coming weekend, Christians all around the world will celebrate the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ but, for many, this is quite a confusing time. How does celebrating the death of a good man, from more than 2,000 years ago, have any relevance...
Many believers have made it their primary goal to be well respected citizens of their communities. Good character enables us to be solid contributors to society, however, what is recognised as a Christian lifestyle, can be accomplished by people who do not know God....
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