Over this coming weekend, Christians all around the world will celebrate the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ but, for many, this is quite a confusing time. How does celebrating the death of a good man, from more than 2,000 years ago, have any relevance...
Many believers have made it their primary goal to be well respected citizens of their communities. Good character enables us to be solid contributors to society, however, what is recognised as a Christian lifestyle, can be accomplished by people who do not know God....
Great volunteers As we embrace all that is planned for this coming year it is important to remember important core values for volunteering. WORSHIP God. – We must always keep in mind that all that we do, is to be done unto God. Our service must first be apart of...
Faith, the eternal enigma. Without it we cannot please God. What is faith; how much is enough faith; what should we have faith for? We all have these questions as we live in a material visible world, where what we know, what we can see, what we can touch, seems to...
On December 15, 1966, Walt Disney died. He was a man who had an extraordinary imagination. Five years after his death, his greatest dream became a reality. On October 1st 1971 Walt Disney World officially opened in Orlando, Florida. Walt’s brother Roy presided...
Author – John Cleverly Master Builders 2017 – We arrived on Monday afternoon to warm sunshine and a lovely cottage we were to share, with a group of 3 others, with 2 next door and another guy next to them. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday prayer meetings at...
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